Article Archive for June 2013

When I learned that Larry Neumann killed my father, Ron Scharff and Patricia Freeman, from reading the book CULLOTTA, I reached out to Dennis Griffin, who co-authored the book with Frank Cullotta. In our initial …

A few weeks ago I wrote a blog called, “Andrew Zinke for McHenry County Sheriff, Really?†In my blog I relate my personal experience and what it was like having Andrew Zinke reopen my father’s …

This is Simon Barrett’s Radio Show on father’s day on June 16th, 2013. I get to about my dad. An excellent Tribute. Here is Simon’s blurb for the show.
This week we will be taking a …

Your best interest and my pursuit of justice took a backseat to the protectionism of ghosts, or someone living. As many of you know, I have filed an Appeal with the Public Access Bureau in …

If a picture is worth a 1000 words then here’s 10,000 of them. This picture was taken August 1, 1956. The man standing up against the wall with the glasses, is …