Articles in Featured

Paul Scharff Interviewed by Cindy Mich on her Radio Show Cin’s Chat Corner
On February 26th, 2015 Paul Scharff was interviewed by Cindy Mich on Talk Blog Radio show Cin’s Chat Corner. Cindy Mich has a …

Frank Cullotta’s BlogTalkRadio Show FRANK’S WORLD
On August 11th at 8PM CST I was on Frank’s Cullotta’s BlogTalkRadio show Frank’s World. Frank was traveling so I was interviewed by Dennis Griffin, Frank’s co-author of his book …

Crime Beat is delighted to announce the appearance of Paul Scharff, author of Murder in McHenry. What would you do if you received a phone call twenty seven years after your father s murder and …

Paul Scharff, son of homicide victim, teams with ex-Mobster Frank Cullotta to seek justice!! listen live Saturday

Your host Ricky Guns on Wise Guy Talk Radio Presents: My wonderful guest Paul Scharff author of the book Murder in McHenry which is a Motivational true story that reveals a son’s pursuit for justice …

I want to tell you about a guy named Vito Colucci. I met Vito two weekends ago at Mob Con in Las Vegas. However, I knew who he was prior to this event. We have …

Great Show on Kim Kolton’s Crime Wire TalkBlogRadio. We discussed my book MURDER IN MCHENRY, the murder of my father Ron Scharff and Patricia Freeman, the first and second investigation into their murder, Frank Cullotta, …

This is Simon Barrett’s Radio Show on father’s day on June 16th, 2013. I get to about my dad. An excellent Tribute. Here is Simon’s blurb for the show.
This week we will be taking a …

Here is the podcast from the radio show with Dr Laurie Roth!! It was a great show and I had a good time. When you listen, I promise that I am not ill mannered purposely …

Paul Scharff appears on Simon Barrett’s radio show for the first time in a long time after the release of his book, Murder In McHenry – A Sons Pursuit of Justice.
Simon had actually read and …

On April 15 at 8pm CST, Paul Scharff, Holly Hager, and Robert Freeman appeared on Dennis Griffin’s Las Vegas and The Mob radio program on Blog Talk Radio. While the show had some technical difficulties, it wound up being a great conversation. Paul and Holly give background on the case and update us on the current happenings. Paul and Simon Barrett of Blogger News Network update us on the drop in officers covering the case over the last 4 months from 20 to 2. Robert Freeman and Simon Barrett give updates on conversations they’ve had with the McHenry County Sheriff.
Paul and Robert made it very clear – we need to get the word out. Larry Neumann should be named as the killer to give the families closure on this case – and the families would like to know what stopped the McHenry County Sheriff from closing this case sooner.
You can download the show directly here.

On Tuesday January 20th at 10:00 PM CST time Paula Freeman and I myself will be on the Radio Show Justice Interrupted with Susan Murphy Milano. Paula is the daughter of Patricia Freeman who was murdered with my father in his Lakemoor, IL tavern on June 2nd, 1981. This is the first time that Paula has spoken publicly about that horrific day. You can listen and/or call in to the show.
The link to listen is

Read the book, Cullotta: The Life of a Chicago Criminal, Las Vegas Mobster and Government Witness that started it all. This was the book that Holly Hager read that convinced her that Larry Neumann was the man that committed the murders.

Paul and Holly appeared on Dennis Griffin’s Blog Talk Radio Show on Monday, January 5, where Paul gave a current status on the happenings since the last show on November 5.

Simon Barrett interviews Paul Scharff, Holly Hager, and Dennis Griffin on an episode of his show called BNN On The Radio – The (Un)Solved Double Homicide Of Ronald Schraff And Patricia Freeman
The show can be found on the Blog Talk Radio site.

Listen to Paul, Holly, Frank Cullotta, Dennis Arnoldy (former FBI agent) and Jim Hager with Dennis Griffin on his Las Vegas and the Mob BlogTalkRadio show.
Griffins guests include:
* Paul Scharff – son of Ron Scharff
* Holly Hager – Paul’s former babysitter
* Frank Cullotta – former lieutenant for Tony Spilotro turned government witness
* Dennis Arnoldy – former FBI agent that debriefed Cullotta when he turned
* Jim Hager – Holly’s father, who suggested the possible murderer back in 1981
The guests talk about the murders and the events leading up to the current effort to close the case, naming Larry Neumann as the murderer.