McHenry County Ethics Commission, Ethical or NOT!?!?

Undersheriff Andrew Zinke giving the finger at parade.
If you do not recall this infamous photo or if you have not seen it before, it has stirred up quite the controversy. This photo was taken at the 4th of July Parade in Crystal Lake, IL. This is the shot that Cal Skinner got when he aimed his camera at Undersheriff Andrew Zinke at the Parade. The photo became viral on the web and on facebook. I also understand that it made it into a lot of inboxes the week that this picture was taken.
Cal Skinner is a former State and McHenry County politician. Now a days he runs the number one political blog in the state of Illinois called the He has not been shy in finding fault in the politics of McHenry County or with the McHenry County Sheriff’s office. Undersheriff Andrew Zinke has been a target of Mr. Skinner many of times in his blog. Cal Skinner is very astute, familiar with the on goings of the community, and engages the process. In short he is a pain in the ass for those that are corrupt, or like to do business behind closed doors.
The controversy of this picture is not whether Andrew Zinke knowingly flipped Cal Skinner the finger, or if he was nearly resting his finger on his vehicle. Skinner believes that the finger was directed at him. Andrew Zinke states that he innocently was resting his finger on his vehicle while driving through the parade. In my opinion the Undersheriff flipped Skinner off. Zinke’s excuse, that he was innocently resting his finger, seems more childish than flipping the man off to begin with. Somehow it is better that a man running for sheriff is not situationally aware of his surrounding at a 4th of July Parade during an election, than saying he did it because he dislikes Cal Skinner. Again, that is not the controversy. The controversy begins on what happened after the photo went viral.
If it was not bad enough that the Undersheriff was in a public relations disaster, he chose to escalate it to a campaign violation. What he did was send an email from his work computer during working hours to current and past McHenry County Board members discussing the “finger issue,†along with other references of his campaign. Why was this wrong? It is a violation of the Illinois State Board of Elections. This is to prevent those seeking political office from using state funding or government assets that is for the purpose of the people’s business for their own campaign needs. The email was charged with references to his candidacy, opponents and supporters of the election, campaign issues and race, run for office, and requesting guidance throughout the political process from the board members past and present. It is what it is, an email in reference to his campaign, he should have not done that on his work computer during working hours; it is very clear. I will post a copy of Undersheriff Zinke’s email down below for your review.
Cal Skinner (yes, the same guy that Zinke flipped off) filed a complaint of the campaign violation with the Ethics Commission. Why am I bringing this up? If the worst thing that Andrew Zinke has ever done was send an email using government assets and government time for his campaign, we would all be in real good shape. This is hardly the worst thing that he has ever done. You can read my previous blogs on Andrew Zinke or read my book, MURDER IN MCHENRY to understand why he should NEVER become sheriff or be in policing at all. My blogs on Andrew Zinke are found here, Andrew Zinke for McHenry County Sheriff, Really??? and Andrew Zinke plus Rita Corporation equals ON THE TAKE.  I bring this to your attention about how the Ethic Commission handled Cal Skinner’s complaint. As I explain what happens, know that this goes on all the time. Those in Woodstock depend on us not being engaged. If we were to follow every one of these hearings, the people would not tolerate the obvious heavy hand of the McHenry County Government.

Four of five members of the McHenry County Ethics Commission John White, Cherie R. Rickert, Melissa M. Hernandez, and the Chairman Thomas B. Spencer. Besides the members, County Board Liaison John Jung was in attendance.
The board that decided on the complaint consisted of four out of the five members. They are Thomas B. Spencer, Chairman, Melissa M. Hernandez, Cherie R. Rickert, John White, and Scott Hartman who was not present. Kevin Craver from the Northwest Herald commented in his  article on the Ethic Commission – “which often appeared during the hour-long meeting to be struggling with how to proceed.”
It began with the Public Comment period were the Chairman stated that each speaker would get five minutes to speak. Mark Gummerson, one of Zinke’s attorney’s, spoke for about 10 minutes before the Chair told him that his time was up. Gummerson asked for an extension, and the Chair allowed it. Rebecca Lee spoke, another one of Zinke’s attorney’s, supposedly out of turn but the Chair allowed it as well. When the Chairman indicated that he was going to move on, Gus Philpott of the, spoke up. He told the board that the Sign In Sheet, which allows you to speak, was under the three ring binder of Rebecca Lee. Mark Gummerson quickly said that it was unintentional that Ms. Lee had the clipboard, as he was more aware of what she was doing than Ms. Lee herself.
After the hidden Sign In Sheet was found Gus Philpott was allowed to speak. He had asked the Commission if they would ask Mr. Gummerson and Ms. Lee if they were representing Zinke and the McHenry County Sheriff’s Department, or if they was representing Zinke as a political candidate. Gus Philpott was trying to understand, who was paying for this representation, taxpayers or Zinke. The board did not reply nor did they ask Zinke’s Attorneys. The Commission decided that it is none of the people’s business if tax dollars are being spent! Great ethics for an Ethics Commission, don’t you think?
One of the members of the board requested an Executive Session (Executive Session, is to go behind closed doors), and they did. After about 25 minutes the hearing continued. The Commission voted 4-0 that Cal Skinner’s ethics complaint against Undersheriff Andrew Zinke was not sufficient. At that time Cal Skinner received a written motion used by Mark Gummerson in the hearing but Mr. Skinner received it only after the fact. There is no public explanation as to why the complaint was insufficient nor an explanation on how the board came to its conclusion. It went from a poorly ran hearing, to closed doors, 0-4 vote, and no explanation. And for a bonus Mark Gummerson said that he was going to ask “for sanctions of up to $5,000 for filing a frivolous complaint.â€
There was an article written by the Chicago Tribune on the matter. Andrew Zinke was quoted. He could not pass up the opportunity to take something bad and make into something worse yet again. Here is a direct quote from the Article written by Robert McCopping from the Chicago Tribune.
Zinke said the personal attacks he’s endured are “despicable,” take attention away from real issues and “lessen the dignity of our county, our community.”
“Eventually,” he said, “they’ll probably get a photo of me scratching my butt or picking my nose and post that too.”
Damn, that Andrew Zinke is a class act. Do you like how in the first quote Zinke speaks of lessening the dignity of our county and our community, and in the very next quote says something that lessens the dignity of our county and our community. How the hell did Nygren think that this guy is the best candidate for the continuance of the regime. He marches with great efficiency from one disaster to another. The best that I can tell is that Zinke is only really good for Bill Prim. Zinke may self-destruct before Prim can debate any ideology, giving him the Republican Nomination for Sheriff.
For many of us this is the first insight to how a public hearing is conducted in McHenry County. You file a valid complaint with the board, the hearing will be ran without protocol, lawyers for the county will speak whether it is there turn to speak or not, the lawyers will try to prevent you from speaking by hiding the Sign In Sheet, the hearing will go behind closed doors, the board comes out to vote against you, explain nothing, and then you are threatened with a $5,000 lawsuit. Wait a minute, that is what happened with Cal Skinner. He is a former politician and knows how these matters should be conducted; you will not fare as well. That should scare us all!
How does this whole thing pass the smell test for you? Do you think that this was taken seriously or was this actually decided before anyone even showed up?  Transparency is needed to prevent corruption, but the only thing that was transparent is the Ethics Commission disdain for due process. It was a demonstration that they don’t care who sees how this sham was ran. This has been occurring in the county for a long time and will continue to occur unless we start throwing these people out. If we want a community that reflect us, we need to pay attention to who or what is rigging the game and deal with them. Are you fired up for change?
Here is the email that started the whole thing. Sentences that are highlighted are in reference to campaigning.
From:Â Andrew Zinke <AJ*****>
To:Â Anna Miller <AM******>; “Anna May Miller ” <>; Carolyn Schofield <CD*********>; “Carolyn Schofield (” <>; Diane Evertsen <DX********>; “Diane Evertsen (” <>; Donna Kurtz <>; Donna Kurtz <DM*****>; Ersel Schuster <ec********>; Ersel Schuster(OA) <>; Jim Heisler <JL*******>; Joseph Gottemoller <JX***********>; John Hammerand <JD*********>; “John Hammerand )” <ha*******@ms*.com>; John Jung <JP****>; “John Jung ” <>; Kenneth Koehler <KD*******>; “Kenneth Koehler ” <>;Â Â <>; “Mary McCann (mt******” <>; Mary McCann <mt******>; Mary McClellan <ME*********>; “Mary McClellan ” <>; Michael Walkup <MJ******>; “Michael Walkup ()” <>; Michele Aavang <MR******>; “Michele Aavang ” <>; Michael Skala <MJ*****>; “Mike Skala ” <>; “Nick Chirikos ” <nc*******@gm***.com>; Nick Chirikos <NA********>; Nick Provenzano <NX**********>; “Nick Provenzano (” <>; Paula Yensen <pe******>; “Paula Yensen )” ; “Robert Martens, Sr.” <RM*******>; Robert Nowak <RC*****>; “Robert Nowak ; Sandra Salgado <SF*******>;Â ; Sue Draffkorn <SX*********>;Â >; Tina Hill <TR****>; “Tina Hill ()” <>; Yvonne Barnes <YM******>;Â Â <>
Sent:Â Wednesday, July 10, 2013 3:40 PM
Subject:Â Photograph
Recently, I was victimized by a local blogger who posted a picture of me that he created a false story around. Many of you have had pictures of yourselves taken out of context, or in a negative position, posted on a blog. After being targeted and victimized, I can now say I understand why so many people loath him.  Other than to acknowledge that I was apparently holding the roof of a vehicle with my middle finger instead of all my fingers, there isn’t much more to say. I received cheers and applause throughout the parade from hundreds of people on behalf of the Sheriff’s Office and I was honored to be a part of such a rich tradition.  I have received several calls that you are now receiving pictures at your home or place of business.
Since announcing my candidacy, I have been accused by local bloggers of working with a drug cartel, corruption, and now, publicly driving down the Crystal Lake Parade giving everyone “the finger.†The personal attacks by my opponent and his supporters on my family, my friends, my wife, my children, my in-laws, co-workers, and county board members is despicable and have no place in a legitimate race.
This type of disingenuous behavior is troubling in so many ways. It is mean spirited and takes away from the real issues facing McHenry County. Please know I remain steadfast in my commitments to both the Sheriff’s Office and McHenry County as a whole.
During my 25 year career of chasing and apprehending criminals nothing has ever been so dangerous as my run for office. I have not publicly commented or lowered myself to the depths in which my opponent and his supporters operate. I will remain open, honest and ethical; of that you can be assured. I know many of you have been victimized by similar lies and accusations and I respect your professionalism and guidance throughout the political process.
I would like to thank you for your words of encouragement and support.
Andy Zinke
I have put together some of the articles that I have written that are prevalent for the upcoming election in MARCH!. This is the Republican Nominee election but probably more important than the general election. It is most likely the winner in March will win in November and become sheriff. If you review the articles in the Knowledge Center, you will read all kinds of unbelievable things that relate to this election.
Freedom of Information Act Appeal to get the remainder of my father’s file. In my efforts to get to the bottom of my father’s murder and what the McHenry County Sheriff’s office has done to me and my family 33 years ago. I filed a FOIA Request (Freedom of Information Act Request) to get my father’s case file. Many documents were withheld from my request. It is my believe the documents are withheld to protect guilty individuals that are known to Sheriff Keith Nygren and Undersheriff Andrew Zinke that covered up who actually killed my father during the original investigation. Start on page 11 to read what sounds like a murder mystery thriller, but this is my true life. It is backed by FBI reports, witness statements, and newspaper articles.
Andrew Zinke for McHenry County Sheriff, Really??? This article is based on my own father’s murder investigation and Undersheriff Andrew Zinke. I talked about how he made his own milestones and failed to meet every single one. How it took me calling NBC News Chicago to get Andrew Zinke to return my phone call about my father’s murder investigation, as he was the lead investigator. I am fighting to get the remainder of my father’s case file. It is my believe that Undersheriff Andrew Zinke and the Sheriff Keith Nygren are hiding and protecting individuals that covered up the true killer of my father during the original investigation.
Andrew Zinke plus Rita Corporation equals ON THE TAKE Brian Goode and his RITA Corporation was a person of interest and focal point for the investigation of the distribution of 30 plus tons of marijuana. Undersheriff Andrew Zinke told Brian Goode of the investigation. Two days later, according to Koziol, (Sgt. Koziol was working on the investigation and filed a complaint against Zinke) Goode gave Zinke’s election campaign a $5,000 donation. The RITA Corporation address is the same address as Andrew Zinke’s campaign headquarters.
McHenry County Deputy Zane Seipler under siege, Again!! Zane Seipler is a whistleblowing deputy that was fired by Keith Nygren after he exposed the sheriff’s office for racial profiling. Nygren was forced to hire Seipler back after he lost an arbitration ruling, a court hearing, an appellate court hearing, and a failed attempt to be heard by the Illinois State Supreme Court. After Seipler was hired back, Nygren fired him again. Zane Seipler is currently fighting to get his job back.
Another McHenry County Deputy under siege, Scott Milliman Scott Milliman was a deputy and former right hand man to Sheriff Keith Nygren. He was fired by the sheriff for whistleblowing that the sheriff allegedly transacted in ticket fixing, bribery, general corruption, fraud in a SBA Loan, and in tapping Milliman himself to kill a McHenry County Judge and a Coroner’s Candidate. Scott Milliman is currently fighting to get his job back.
How Gary Gauger got to DEATH ROW This is the real life, tragic story of Gary Gauger. He was falsely arrested and sent to Death Row by the McHenry County Sheriff’s Department for the double murder of his parents. Investigators from the sheriff’s department rigged a false confession so that they could convict him.
McHenry County Ethics Commission, Ethical or NOT!?!? The McHenry County Ethics Commission conducted a hearing of a complaint filed by Cal Skinner that Undersheriff Andrew Zinke used a government computer for a very politically charged email. The hearing was ran over by Zinke’s attorneys Mark Gummerson and Rebecca Lee. The sign up sheet to speak at the hearing went missing but found in the possession of Rebecca Lee. The commission went into secret session, made its decision, and did so without explanation.
First Electric Newspaper v.s. Sheriff Nygren and EEO Officer Donald Leist Pete Gonigam won a Public Access Bureau (Illinois States Attorney) appeal for the release of a 100 page report conducted by the McHenry County Sheriff’s office. The report exonerated Undersheriff Andrew Zinke after he told Brian Goode that he and his RITA Corporation was a the focal point of a drug investigation by the DEA.
Zinke’s middle finger may cost Cal Skinner $5,000 After filing a valid ethics complaint against Undersheriff Andrew Zinke for using a government computer for his campaign, Cal Skinner was to face Zinke’s attorney Mark Gummerson. Gummerson was lobbying for a $5,000 fine against Skinner filing a valid complaint. An act of bulling and intimidation of a McHenry County citizen.
Will McHenry County be Ripped Off by Special Interest in Sheriff Election? I question the interest and the contribution to Undersheriff Andrew Zinke’s campaign from the International Union of Operating Engineers, Local 150 election. I send a letter to the President-Business Manager of the union James M. Sweeney.
IUOE Local 150 and Andrew Zinke. Is this Gangster Money for a Gangster Cop? The International Union of Operating Engineers, Local 150 contributes money to Undersheriff’s Andrew Zinke’s campaign. They have known ties to the Colombo and Gambino Crime Families.
Undersheriff Andrew Zinke Shuts Down Cal Skinner’s Blog Site Undersheriff Andrew Zinke’s campaign was able to get Cal Skinner’s website, shut down by falsely accusing him of stalking and linking to obscene material. Read here on how Zinke’s campaign resorts to breaking the law to silence a citizen’s voice.
Andrew Zinke Fearful to Debate Bill Prim Lies to Get Out of It. Undersheriff Andrew Zinke is so fearful to debate Bill Prim for McHenry County Sheriff that he lies to get out of it. Zinke knows that he would be out matched, outwitted, and the truth of his corrupt character would be revealed to the citizens of McHenry County. Instead of enduring such damage to his campaign he lies to coward out of it.
Well, well, “Corruption Mchenry County Style†Introducing the Zinke brothers and Nygren Circus. Take a bow “Brotha Mark Gummersonâ€, Andy Zinke, Nygren and others. Apparently, the Mchenry County Ethics Committee has joined the Zinke Circus Act as well. Clearly, Mark Gummerson has lost all credibility. Yep, one of Nygren and Zinkes favorite attorneys. I hear he has his own exclusive and personal parking spot at the Mchenry County Court House, compliments of Nygren and Zinke. As for the Eithics Committee, we all know that they did not act ethically, follow protocol or do the job that has been assigned to them. Could this be because they were under duress to cooperate with corruption in Mchenry County? Maybe. Or, could it be that they joined the Zinke circus a long time ago? We will never know. However, the fact remains that they had a job to do and failed to do it.
Let’s see what the next public fiasco Zinke displays, at some parade or some political event. He can’t handle Political campaigning 101. See you at the next parade Andy. Don’t forget to tie your shoes; you might just trip on your shoelaces. Unless of course, you decide to wear your leather shoes with a shine so bright, compliments of Da Boys from the Sheriffs Department. So, don’t get any ideas about basking in the sun on Election Day. That glare is from your shoes, not the winner’s circle.
The plot will only thicken. Stay tuned at a Mchenry County Government theatre near you; or, by Andy Zinke for that matter. Stay tuned for his next circus act at a parade or political event. More Andy Zinke antics to come. Guaranteed. As for Keith Nygren, don’t bother he has business to attend to on his cell phone. Sure hope the boys at the Mchenry County Sheriffs Department have you on speed dial, when Andy loses the election…
Sure hope to see a Paul Scharff article dedicated to the antics of Mark Gummerson. He thinks he is invincible. “NOTâ€
The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help me God, will soon be revealed. Don’t forget Andy Zinke, Keith Nygren, Mark Gummerson and the Ethics Committee, that everything you say can and will be held against you in a court of law. “Promiseâ€