Articles tagged with: cal skinner

Undersheriff Andrew Zinke is fighting it out with Cal Skinner again. This time Skinner alleges that Zinke was able to get his website taken down for a short period of time on Wednesday December …

I am going to change gears and talk about the potential of having our election for Sheriff being ripped off by special interest dumping cash into the election. I will get back to Mob Con …

Mark Gummerson, an attorney for Undersheriff Andrew Zinke is following through with his threat towards Cal Skinner from the Ethic Commission hearing. Andrew Zinke filed a complaint against Cal Skinner for $5,000. A fine that …

If you do not recall this infamous photo or if you have not seen it before, it has stirred up quite the controversy. This photo was taken at the 4th of July Parade in Crystal …

In promoting my father’s story I get to speak to a lot of people. I really enjoy it, and I get to talk to all different kinds of people. The last few weeks the people …
Cal Skinner, writer for the McHenry County Blog, posted the article A Mob Murder In McHenry County? on December 20, 2008