Articles tagged with: dennis arnoldy

I am back from a much needed writing break to fill you in with updates on the Republican Primary for McHenry County Sheriff and Mob Con 2014. If you have been following me about my …

I have come a long way since my first radio show interview in November of 2008. Since December of last year until now I have done Ron Chepesiuk’s Crime Beat, Burl Barer’s Outlaw Radio, and …

At the beginning of this month I was at Mob Con 2013 in Las Vegas. This was the very first Mob Con and it was a huge success. Mob Con even got the attention of …

It is the week of the 4th of July, a time that we get together with family and friends for cookouts, fireworks and other 4th of July activities. This day also has meaning to myself …

How does the movie CASINO relate to the book MURDER IN MCHENRY PART 2
The movie CASINO was filled with fictitious characters that were based on actual people. The two main characters of the movie Robert …

This week’s blog is going to be part one of two. I’m going to discuss how the movie CASINO relates to my book Murder In McHenry. If you never seen the movie CASINO it is …

I just wrote a blog yesterday called Humbling Moments. I’m not trying to blog you guys to death but more or less provide you with an important update. Last week I posted my Freedom of …

On April 15th at 8 PM CT, Paul Scharff and Holly Hager will be guests on Dennis Griffin’s Blog Talk Radio Show, Las Vegas and the Mob.
They will be talking about the Ron Scharff/Patricia Freeman murder case and its current status. If you would like to call in and ask any questions, you can by dialing (646) 478-0982.

In this video interview, Denny Griffin talks to Frank Cullotta, former lieutenant to Tony Spilotro turned government witness, and Dennis Arnoldy, former FBI Agent who debriefed Cullotta about his involvement in the Spilotro gang, about the 1981 murders of Ron Scharff and Patricia Freeman in Lakemoor, Illinois. Frank and Dennis also talk about why Frank brought this murder up to the McHenry County Police during the time he was being debriefed. Denny Griffin co-authored the book “Cullotta: The Life of a Chicago Criminal, Las Vegas Mobster and Government Witness” with Frank Cullotta.

Simon Barrett interviews Paul Scharff, Holly Hager, and Dennis Griffin on an episode of his show called BNN On The Radio – The (Un)Solved Double Homicide Of Ronald Schraff And Patricia Freeman
The show can be found on the Blog Talk Radio site.

On the morning of June 2, 1981, two people were found shot to death in the living room of an apartment at the rear of the P.M. Pub, located at 238 West Rand Road in Lakemoor, Illinois.
The victims were the tavern’s owner, 37-year-old Ronald Scharff , and barmaid Patricia Freeman, who had worked her first shift at the bar the previous evening. Lakemoor is situated about 45 miles northwest of Chicago and was a community of around 800 at the time.
These were the first reported homicides there since its incorporation in 1952.

Listen to Paul, Holly, Frank Cullotta, Dennis Arnoldy (former FBI agent) and Jim Hager with Dennis Griffin on his Las Vegas and the Mob BlogTalkRadio show.
Griffins guests include:
* Paul Scharff – son of Ron Scharff
* Holly Hager – Paul’s former babysitter
* Frank Cullotta – former lieutenant for Tony Spilotro turned government witness
* Dennis Arnoldy – former FBI agent that debriefed Cullotta when he turned
* Jim Hager – Holly’s father, who suggested the possible murderer back in 1981
The guests talk about the murders and the events leading up to the current effort to close the case, naming Larry Neumann as the murderer.