Articles tagged with: donald leist

This is a story that has been going on for over a year now. It is a comment on what Sheriff Keith Nygren feels about inviting transparency for the public into his sheriff’s department. Keith …

Is Sheriff Nygren and Undersheriff Zinke intimidating and tampering with McHenry County Deputies listed as federal material witnesses? Former Deputy Scott Milliman’s wrongful termination case is moving through the system, albeit slowing by moving forward …

Paul Scharff is a “disenfranchised son, with an axe to grind, who’s out to sell his book,†is a comment that I found on my article on Andrew DiDonato that I did two weeks ago. …

Why is Pete Gonigam of the First Electric Newspaper battling Sheriff Nygren and EEO Officer Donald Leist?
On October 23, 2012 Sgt John Koziol of the McHenry County Sheriff’s Department filed a motion for a Special …

A few weeks ago I wrote a blog called, “Andrew Zinke for McHenry County Sheriff, Really?†In my blog I relate my personal experience and what it was like having Andrew Zinke reopen my father’s …

Your best interest and my pursuit of justice took a backseat to the protectionism of ghosts, or someone living. As many of you know, I have filed an Appeal with the Public Access Bureau in …

I just wrote a blog yesterday called Humbling Moments. I’m not trying to blog you guys to death but more or less provide you with an important update. Last week I posted my Freedom of …