Articles tagged with: holly hager

I have come a long way since my first radio show interview in November of 2008. Since December of last year until now I have done Ron Chepesiuk’s Crime Beat, Burl Barer’s Outlaw Radio, and …

Last week I wrote about a radio show that I did. It was Denny Griffin’s show, We Knowa Guy Radio. There was a special surprise guest on that show, Frank Cullotta. I mentioned that I …

After the book Murder In McHenry was sent to the publisher, I filed for the freedom of information act to get my father’s file from the McHenry County Sheriff’s office. My co-author Keith Bettinger had …

The baby-sitter, it turns out, got it right.
The McHenry County sheriff’s office has concluded that a now-dead mob hit man named Larry Neumann, in all likelihood, killed two people in 1981 in the small town of Lakemoor — a long-cold case that was reopened last summer on the basis of a tip from Holly Hager, who baby-sat for the children of one of the pair back then.
Read the full Sun Times article on the Scharff/Freeman murder.

On April 15 at 8pm CST, Paul Scharff, Holly Hager, and Robert Freeman appeared on Dennis Griffin’s Las Vegas and The Mob radio program on Blog Talk Radio. While the show had some technical difficulties, it wound up being a great conversation. Paul and Holly give background on the case and update us on the current happenings. Paul and Simon Barrett of Blogger News Network update us on the drop in officers covering the case over the last 4 months from 20 to 2. Robert Freeman and Simon Barrett give updates on conversations they’ve had with the McHenry County Sheriff.
Paul and Robert made it very clear – we need to get the word out. Larry Neumann should be named as the killer to give the families closure on this case – and the families would like to know what stopped the McHenry County Sheriff from closing this case sooner.
You can download the show directly here.

On April 15th at 8 PM CT, Paul Scharff and Holly Hager will be guests on Dennis Griffin’s Blog Talk Radio Show, Las Vegas and the Mob.
They will be talking about the Ron Scharff/Patricia Freeman murder case and its current status. If you would like to call in and ask any questions, you can by dialing (646) 478-0982.

Paul and Holly appeared on Dennis Griffin’s Blog Talk Radio Show on Monday, January 5, where Paul gave a current status on the happenings since the last show on November 5.

Simon Barrett interviews Paul Scharff, Holly Hager, and Dennis Griffin on an episode of his show called BNN On The Radio – The (Un)Solved Double Homicide Of Ronald Schraff And Patricia Freeman
The show can be found on the Blog Talk Radio site.

Paul Scharff and Holly Hager will be appearing on Dennis Griffiin’s Blog Talk Radio show on January 5 at 7:00pm central time. Paul and Holly will explain the current status of their efforts to close the 27 year old murder case of Paul’s father and Patricia Freeman and get the killer, Larry Neumann, officially named.

Carol Marin of Channel 5 News (NBC Chicago) covered the story on the 10:00 news on December 19,2008.

The Northwest Herald covered the story with this front page article appearing in their January 1, 2009 issue.

Carol Marin and Don Moseley article from the Chicago Sun Times.