Articles tagged with: wayne matecki

The Story behind the Larry Neumann Photo on the cover of MURDER IN MCHENRY
On the cover of my book, I have a photo of Larry Neumann in glasses. The day was August 1st, 1956. There …

It is the week of the 4th of July, a time that we get together with family and friends for cookouts, fireworks and other 4th of July activities. This day also has meaning to myself …

When I learned that Larry Neumann killed my father, Ron Scharff and Patricia Freeman, from reading the book CULLOTTA, I reached out to Dennis Griffin, who co-authored the book with Frank Cullotta. In our initial …

How does the movie CASINO relate to the book MURDER IN MCHENRY PART 2
The movie CASINO was filled with fictitious characters that were based on actual people. The two main characters of the movie Robert …

This week’s blog is going to be part one of two. I’m going to discuss how the movie CASINO relates to my book Murder In McHenry. If you never seen the movie CASINO it is …

Who is Larry Neumann? Denny Griffin, the man who co-authored the book Cullotta: The Life of a Chicago Criminal, Las Vegas Mobster and Government Witness with Frank Cullotta, provides this profile.