The Chicago Outfit and their Political Fixers
Last week I introduced a definition of Political Fix or Fixer. This was in reference to the way that the Ethics Commission conducted itself in the hearing of a complaint of Undersheriff Andrew Zinke’s sending campaign emails from his work during working hours, it appeared to be rigged. Another way of describing this is that it was fixed. A political fix or fixer by definition is a person who intervenes to enable someone to circumvent the law or obtain a political favor.
To understand how important and prevalent a fix or fixer is to corruption is best to look at the Chicago Outfit (mob). Many of us understand the enforcement side of the mob, as seen portrayed by Joe Pesci  in the movie CASINO. A tough guy modeled after the real life Las Vegas enforcer Tony Spilotro. In the movie he would hurt, mame or kill people for the sake of the Chicago Outfit. However, many of us are not aware of the other side of the mob with the Political Fixers. This is just as important if not more important than the tough guys in the mob. Jake Guzik is considered to be the first fixer in the Chicago Outfit.
Jake Guzik was the first political fixer for the Chicago Outfit. He was born on May 20, 1886. His parents were Polish but he was born in Russia. Jake Guzik and his parents immigrated to the United States in the early 20th century. His nickname was “Greasy Thumbs,†which may be in reference to his un-kept appearance or from paying  people off.

Joe Caniano playing Jake Guzik in HBO’s Boardwalk Empire. He has taken a beating that later was revenged by Al Capone, both in real life and on film.
He started working for Al Capone around 1920, where he began as the financial and legal advisor. As time moved on he later became the political greaser holding court from St. Hubert’s Old English Grill and Chophouse. At the chophouse he regularly received payments and administered them to crooked cops and politicians. Unlike the tough guys that he represented in the Outfit, he was incapable of hurting or killing anybody, but that’s okay because Al Capone had his back. One time he was slapped and kicked around by a man named Joe Howard. When Jake had told Al what happened, Capone in a rage when searching for Howard. When Al found Joe he jammed the revolver in his face and emptied his revolver into Howard killing him dead. On February 21, 1956 Jake Guzik died of a heart attack at his post, St. Hubert’s Old English Grill and Chophouse. If you watch the HBO series “Boardwalk Empire,†Jake Guzik is in that show and was played by Joe Caniano. In the show, Boardwalk Empire, the Howard and Capone incident was acted out.
Murray Humphries was another political fixer for the Chicago Outfit. He was born in 1899 and was adopted by a Chicago judge. He had a variety of nicknames, they were “The Camel,†for his love of camel hair coats, “The Hump,†from his surname, and “Curly.†He got his nickname Curley because of his curly locks in his hair. He had curly locks because he was Welsh and his parents were from Wales. Since Curley’s adopted father was a judge, he became quite stellar with legal advice, although he was never a lawyer himself. He has been quoted as saying, ” the difference between guilt and innocence in any court is who gets to the judge first with the most.” Much like Jake Guzik, Curley’s legal expertise led him to become one of the Outfit’s political fixers.

Murrary “The Hump,” “The Camel,” or “Curly” Humphreys. Political Fixer for the Chicago Outfit. He is heading to court, playing the role of a helpless feeble old man.
When prohibition was ending the Outfit knew that they were going to have to get into a new business. It was Curly who suggested to Al Capone that they get into the milk business. He told Al that everybody drinks milk, women, men, and children. Not only do they all drink it but they drink it every day; so what if they could get a few cents from each glass. The Chicago Outfit muscled in on the milk business. First they penetrated the milk’s labor union, then the dairy truckers union, and the dairies themselves. However, there were a few dairy farmers that held out and would not give in to the Chicago Outfit. Curley had a fix for them. Through the Outfit’s representation in the city Council, rules were adopted to define Grade A milk and disallowing lesser grades for being sold in city limits. Furthermore they lobbied for legislation that required all milk to be date and time stamped. Curley knew that the dairy farmers that were holding out would not be able to afford the capital expenditures for testing and grading dairy products and the equipment to date and time stamp them as well. The holdouts would have to give in to the Chicago Outfit’s demands. This is a perfect example of a political fix in which the Outfit used the Chicago City Council for its personal agenda. No one was killed nor any blood-shed, the Outfit got its way through political means. It does not matter that milk is considered a wholesome business, if money is involved corruption will find it.
Possibly Curley’s biggest political fix would come in 1962. He stayed in the hotel room in downtown Chicago for two weeks meeting all different kinds of people of power and influence to help John F. Kennedy win his presidency. It’s unclear if JFK would have won without the Outfit, but most historians would agree that the Outfit had played a significant role in his win to become president.
If you were around the Chicagoland area in the 70’s and 80’s, then you may recognize these men. They are Fred Roti and Pat Marcy. You may have seen them on the news making headlines in the Chicago City Council. Fred Roti was an alderman for the 1st Ward in Chicago. He was an alderman for 22 years and he is considered by many as one the most influential and powerful alderman in the history of the city council. Since he was from the 1st Ward, he was called first in the roll call for voting in the Chicago City Council. Once he casted his vote than everyone else would know how to vote as well. It was said that once the first vote was cast, it was pointless to roll call any more votes because it was already known how it was going to go. He reported to Pat Marcy who was the Secretary of the 1st Ward. The old 1st ward of Chicago is the Downtown Loop area. This is where the biggest buildings in Chicago reside, and probably the richest piece of real estate in the whole state of Illinois. It is believed by the FBI that both Marcy and Roti were “Made Men†of the Chicago Outfit. To be a made guy in the Chicago Outfit, you have to be 100% Italian and have murdered in the name of the Outfit. How did two made men get such prominent positions in the Chicago City Council? The Outfit had always ran the 1st Ward going back to the late 1890’s. Back then, the 1st Ward was ran by Michael “Hinky Dink†Kenna and John “Bathouse†Coughlin from the 1890’s to mid-1940’s, handing the reigns over of the 1st Ward to the next generation of Outfit members.
Pat Marcy and Fred Roti held court in Booth Number 1, at Counselor’s Row restaurant. It was right across the street from City Hall. If you wanted any of the higher positions in the Chicago Police Department, the Cook County Sheriff’s Office, or become a judge; you had to go see Pat Marcy. You would seek his blessing and if approved, he would seek your kickback. All different kinds of bribes and decisions were made at their table. They would even fix murder trials, by paying off judges. Their voices were heard talking about paying off judges, lawyers, cops, rigging permits for payouts, fixing trials, and on and on and on. They were heard on illegal wire taps that were setup by the FBI. Even Mayor Jane Byrne knew the power of these men. When she hired Superintendent Joe DiLeonardi to head the Chicago Police Department, he made the mistake of making a statement of cleaning up of the city’s influence of the Chicago Outfit. Marcy and Roti summoned the mayor to Booth Number 1 at Counselor’s Row. They told the mayor that she was going to have to let him go. Mayor Byrne insisted that should could not. Roti told her to find a way because if she didn’t they were going to shut down the city (the Outfit controlled the city’s unions). She found a way, and Superintendent Joe DiLeonardi was let go. Both men were later indicted for racketeering and extortion. Pat Marcy died in 1993 of heart problems before his trial could be decided. Roti was convicted of all charges, including the fixing of a murder trial and was sent to prison for 48 months were he was released in 1997. As you can see, it is not the loan sharks or the enforcers that made the biggest impact of the mob’s power and influence, it was the political fixers.
It was almost 100 years that have gone by before the Department of Justice dealt with the members of the Outfit with any kind of seriousness. Anybody with a head on their shoulders in McHenry County knows that corruption exists. How long has it been since anyone from the DOJ has impeded the corruption in McHenry? I don’t think that they have arrived as of yet. How long has the current regime gone unfettered by justice? We know 30 years, but is it more like 40 or 50 years? The Outfit owned the city of Chicago and so much more around the country in that same time frame. How do we spot corruption in our community and put a stop to it?
We make note, when the administrators conduct themselves in the manner that they did at the Ethics Commission. Here is my article on the hearing in that reference, McHenry County Ethics Commission, Ethical or NOT!?!? As they always say follow the money. Don’t pay attention to the name of the committee or the board, pay attention to their budget! Watch who gets paid. It is often the decision makers that award vendors and then the vendors pay kickbacks in the form of cash or favor or both. Watch how these groups conduct themselves. See if they operate in transparency or in the dark. In the example of the sheriff’s department, look how hard they try to hide information from the public. I can tell you from first-hand experience in relation to my father’s murder case, that they are operating in the shadows of the dark. You can read about my own fight in my FOIA Appeal to get my father’s case file. Here is my article, the Freedom of Information Act Appeal to get the remainder of my father’s file. There is a lot that is going on in our law enforcement and government that is not good for the people. We need to recognize this and encourage other community members that this is going on, and to watch them to. Keep in mind that most of these people are cowards, they will make different decisions if they know others are watching. Those that are deep rooted and masters of deception and corruption will be more steadfast. Those folks need to be identified and moved out one way or another. 2014 will be our next opportunity to round them up and send them packing.
Keep watching and get others to watch as well. We are doing good. The site broke over 10,000 visits and over 78,000 pages turned for the month of August. We are getting the word out, and those that should be concerned are, but we have a way to go. Stay Engaged!!
Information found on:
Ramesh Babu Vemuri MD, 36054365, Rockford, IL
Action Discipline
Start Date Discipline
End Date Reason For Action
Fine 06/10/2002 Practiced on a suspended license. $5,000 FINE DUE WITHIN 60 DAYS
Suspension 06/10/2002 01/11/2005 Practiced on a suspended license. $5,000 FINE DUE WITHIN 60 DAYS
Suspension 03/29/1999 01/11/2005 Allegedly engaged in an inappropriate relationship with a patient.
1. Ramesh Babu Vemuri, MD (DOB 03/24/48) is duly licensed to practice medicine and surgery in the state of Wisconsin (license #21537). This license was first granted on April 21, 1978. Dr. Vemuri specializes in psychiatry.
2. Dr. Vemuri’s most recent address on file with the Wisconsin Medical Examining Board is 7606 Crystal Springs, Crystal Lake, IL 60012.
3. On March 29, 1999, the Illinois Department of Professional Regulation issued an order that indefinitely suspended the license of Dr. Vemuri to practice medicine in Illinois. The factual basis for the imposition of the limitation involved, among other things, allegations of mental illness and engaging in an inappropriate relationship with a patient. A true and correct copy of the Illinois Consent Order is attached to this document as Exhibit A. Exhibit A is incorporated into this document by reference.
4. In resolution of this matter, Dr. Vemuri consents to the entry of the following Conclusions of Law and Order. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW
1. The Wisconsin Medical Examining Board has jurisdiction to act in this matter, pursuant to sec. 448.02(3), Stats. and is authorized to enter into the attached Stipulation and Order, pursuant to sec. 448.02(5), Stats.
2. The conduct described in paragraph 3, above, constitutes a violation of Wisconsin Administrative Code § Med 10.02(2)(q).
1. The license of Ramesh Babu Vemuri (license #21537) to practice medicine and surgery in the State of Wisconsin is SUSPENDED for an INDEFINITE PERIOD OF TIME.
2. Dr. Vemuri may petition the Board for permission to practice under Wisconsin licensure at any time following the effective date of this Order. Denial in whole or in part of a petition under this paragraph shall not constitute denial of a license and shall not give rise to a contested case within the meaning of secs. 227.01(3) and 227.42, Stats.
3. In conjunction with a petition by Dr. Vemuri,
a. The Board shall require current documentation of the status of Dr. Vemuri’s compliance with the terms and conditions imposed against his practice of medicine in Illinois.
b. The Board shall require documentation of Dr. Vemuri’s taking and passing the SPEX exam; as well as documentation of current compliance with the continuing education requirements set forth in sec. 448.13, Stats. and Wis. Admin. Code ch. 13. The SPEX examination shall be taken with six [6] months of Dr. Vemuri’s petition for relicensure.
c. The Board shall require documentation of current and complete physical and mental health examinations evaluating Dr. Vemuri’s ability to practice medicine within a reasonable degree of safety, skill and judgment. The health care professional(s) performing the examinations must be approved in advance of the examination by the Board or its designee.
d. The Board may in the exercise of its discretion require a personal appearance by Dr. Vemuri to answer questions in conjunction with his petition.
4. Upon its completion of review of a petition under this Order, the Board may in its discretion impose such terms and conditions upon Dr. Vemuri’s license as the Board finds appropriate to protect patient and public health, safety and welfare
On July 17, 1997, Vemuri allegedly exposed himself to the woman and forced her to perform several sex acts, which is a violation of the patient-physician relationship, according to state law.
Ramesh Vemuri has direct ties to the Nygren Regime. In fact, he has testified in Federal Court on several occasions when individuals filed law suits against Mchenry County.
Both Keith Nygren and Gary pack had enough evidence to charge him . Ramesh Vemuri left the United States and returned to India. When he found out he would not be prosecuted he returned to the Mchenry County, Illinois. He is now a practicing Psychiatrist with Mathers clinic. He works with Robert Louis Meyer who has also been found guilty by the Illinois Department of Professional Regulations. And, he is the main psychologist used for Mchenry County Mental Health Court. “SCARY” They are Mchenry Counties Political Fixers.
Ramesh Vemuri’s license was taken from him by the State of Illinois and by the State of Wisconsin.
Comment One: Illinois Conclusion
Comments two and 3 Wisconsin Conclusions
When Illinois Department of Professional Regulations removed his license, he continued to practice Psychiatry in Wisconsin. When the Illinois Department of Professional Regulations found out he was practicing in Wisconsin, they completed a “Sister Act” to have his license removed in the State of Wisconsin. Then he was found in Gurnee Illinois practicing without a license and fined $5,000..
More to come at a Mchenry County Theatre near you….
It gets even better.
Robert Louis Meyer’s son, is an attorney. Guess who he represented??
Dr. Louis’s son was the attorney who REPRESENTED the Pavlin’s.
The Pavlin’s home was illegally breached and the homes occupant’s Mr. Pavlin, eighty plus years old, and his wife, Mr’s Pavlin I believe was a frail woman in her late 70’s, were allegedly physically beaten by Sheriff Nygren’s Posse deputies.
You can imagine the outcome of the case given the details above….
It was quietly and quickly settled!
BTW, Dr. Louis Meyer is the psychiatrist who Nygren sent the now former Deputy Sheriff Scott Milliman to see for his work status evaluation.
Of course, Deputy Milliman didn’t stand a fighting chance as Dr. Nygre, I mean Dr. Meyer found Milliman unfit for duty and Milliman was terminated from his employment.
Keep on watching, the day is coming, the day is coming and the McHenry County government parking lot is going to look like a Ford car dealership with an oversupply of Ford Crown Vics!
Information found on:Robert Louis Meyer, 71003074, Genoa City, WI
Action Discipline
Start Date Discipline
End Date Reason For Action
Reprimand 01/08/2004 Allegedly breached patient confidentiality, failed to disclose a phone inquiry with a party to a custody hearing which occurred prior to his court appointment to conduct a custody evaluation, and failed to obtain written consent before transferring a pati ent to a psychiatrist.
Fine 01/08/2004 Allegedly breached patient confidentiality, failed to disclose a phone inquiry with a party to a custody hearing which occurred prior to his court appointment to conduct a custody evaluation, and failed to obtain written consent before transferring a patient to a psychiatrist.
Hello Mr. Bauchmann,
I have been waiting for you to show up on here. I am really glad that you had found my website. You have certainly have earned my respect on your ousting of the regime. I am currently in Las Vegas but I would love to talk sometime if you were up to it when I get back. If you were to reach out to me on facebook, or contact Scott, Zane, Gus, Cal, or Duncan McHenry; they all know how to get a hold of me. Thank you for showing up and speaking a little gospel. Take care and I hope that we talk soon.
Paul Scharff
More to come, documents from the Illinois Department of Professional Regulations to be disclosed.. Robert Meyer attempted to fix my custody case and was caught…The FBI was talking to me everyday during the trail, and they provided advice on how to handle issues related to Meyer…..
To top it off the Northwest Herald “Refused” to write about the finding against Robert Louis Meyer. They were the first to receive the information.
Thanks David it’s nice to know that everyones efforts have not gone unnoticed. And, a relief to know that the Authorities are actually going to do something…Many people have been waiting a long time and many others had given up hope a long time ago for justice to prevail….. My child (now grown) and I have survived a 20 year divorce, because of the Mchenry County Court system and the role corruption has played in my case. We are hoping all those involved will spend some serious time in Federal prison. They have certainly earned it.. Further, we cannot forget about the true heroes, which include the men women and children who live without their families everyday because of corruption. And, we should not forget about the people who actually lost their lives in Mchenry County because of the corruption game. They simply knew too much. There are others who lost their homes and some who have lost their life savings and more. And yes, there are those that have been falsely arrested, and falsely convicted.. Gary Gauger is not the only victim in Mchenry Counties system of overzealous and false prosecutions. There are many, many, more people that have been wrongfully persecuted and prosecuted…. May all those victimized because of corruption in Mchenry County have their day in court, where they can be witness to justice for all.
Thank you very much for your warm welcome.
Although at this time I am not posting on my former blog, “Dirty Keith vs. Dirty Harry,” I am deeply engaged.
I thank you Paul for picking up the mantel along with the others such as Zane, Scott, Gus, Cal, Pete, and yes to all the victims of the corruption that was so obvious when looking in the right places began.
(Forgive me if I left anybody’s name out)
It took three years, but, I can assure you, we have gotten the attention of the US Dept. of Justice.
For the convenience of your readers, I have posted just a tidbit of history for you. I can direct you to two of my old posts from “Dirty Keith vs. Dirty Harry,” please go to;
Thanks to all the “Law Men and Women” out there. We will prevail!
Thanks Dave Bachman for joining the crusade against corruption. We owe a debt of gratitude to you as well. Justice would never have had a chance without you..
And, Yes thank you to all the law men and women who chose to do the right thing…