Undersheriff Andrew Zinke Shuts Down Cal Skinner’s Blog Site

Cal Skinner former McHenry County Treasure and State Representative and current editor of the mchenrycountyblog.com.
Undersheriff Andrew Zinke is fighting it out with Cal Skinner again. This time Skinner alleges that Zinke was able to get his website www.mchenrycountyblog.com taken down for a short period of time on Wednesday December 11th.
What seem to have occurred, was someone working for Zinke’s campaign, contacted Skinner’s host provider to his website. They told the provider that he was in violation of the terms of service by “stalking†Undersheriff Andrew Zinke and linking to an obscene website. I will get to the obscene website here in a second, but let’s address stalking.

Undersheriff Andrew Zinke giving Cal Skinner the finger at the 4th of July Parade in Crystal Lake, IL.
Other than the fact that Cal Skinner’s website was taking down and his Freedom of Speech was momentarily gagged, this is very comical. I am unsure what terms of service was violated on a website were stalking becomes involved and is outside of a criminal complaint. Right when I am convinced that Undersheriff Andrew Zinke is the best thing for Bill Prim’s campaign the scope widens. It appears that under Zinke’s leadership, his poor judgment has effected not only his decisions but now the decisions of those working for him. I am unsure what the angle is on “Stalking.†I don’t get it. I guess it can be likened to a reporter “stalking†the news. It really is the same.
How weak does this man look? He is running for Sheriff, and he wines to webhosting server provider that he is being stalked. What kind of confidence does this give a prospective voter who is on the fence in the McHenry County Sheriff’s race? How much laughter does this provide to his opponent’s supporters? I just have to wonder if pride exists inside a man that is running for sheriff that would make any kind of claim that he was being stalked by a blogger. Sounds scary and frightening for a man that carries a gun on his hip most of the time.
Let’s go to the other alleged charge that Skinner was linking to an obscene website. The obscene website is Zane Seipler’s website http://zinke4sheriff.blogspot.com/. If you don’t know Zane Seipler, he is the whistle blowing deputy that brought to the public’s attention that the McHenry County Sheriff’s office was racial profiling. Sheriff Keith Nygren has fired Seipler in retaliation for his whistle blowing on the sheriff’s office and is currently in another lawsuit to get his job back. He is also running against Zinke for Republican Precinct Committeeman and he is also running for the County Board in District 5. If the Truth is obscene then Zinke is right Zane Seipler website is obscene. Cal Skinner was told that there were couple of articles that Zinke found super offensive.

Letter that Zinke sent to Merit Commission requesting a review without merit his failed Sergeant’s Exam
The first article is Undersheriff Andrew Zinke failing the Sergeant’s Exam. I am sure that he is not finding this ideal when one of his cornerstones in his campaign is Education. It looks worse when you see Zinke’s letter to the Merit Commission (they are responsible for the promotion and discipline of deputies). He asks the Merit Commission to review his test, based on the advice of former Undersheriff Eugene Lowery. He had taken a test, failed, requested a review, and for whatever reason passed. Andrew Zinke was hoping for the same luck or divine right. I personally did not understand not having a basis to request a review for a test. The Merit Commission did respond back letting Zinke know that he had no hope of passing the exam as he scored weak and was graded in the low area of Patrols, Investigation, and Supervision. Again, not the type of letters you would expect in the background of a candidate running on Education as being a strength.
The second article was in reference to the Letters themselves. As a demonstration that the McHenry County Sheriff’s office does not follow the law in processing Freedom of Information Act requests (FOIA), Seipler had requested these documents from the sheriff’s office. The requests was for all correspondence that Zinke has had with the Merit Commission going back to 1994, which includes the letters. Seipler matched the letters to the six documents sent back from his FOIA requests and they were excluded. Another confirmation that FOIA requests are not handled based on law but how it serves the interests of those that are supposed to be enforcing the law.
I am surprised that is all that Undersheriff Andrew Zinke mentioned to be offensive on Zane Seipler’s website. On Seipler’s website, he has a lot of information about Undersheriff Andrew Zinke, and the sheriff’s office. Numerous campaign violations, hiding who control’s federal grant money, background on supporters (like Local 150, that I tied to Colombo and Gambino crime family), and other topics to be covered like sexual harassment, the Zacatecas/ Monterey and McHenry Connection, former deputy and pedophile  Greg Pyle, traffic deaths, Sheriff General Order Violations and much, much more. If you want insider information that you will not get anywhere else without being an insider yourself, check out http://zinke4sheriff.blogspot.com. I check it out about one or twice a week.
It has been a rough last six months for Andy Zinke’s and Cal Skinner’s relationship. Things seemed to have started to escalate on the 4th of July this year.  At the Crystal Lake 4th of July Parade Undersheriff Andrew Zinke flipped off Cal Skinner in uniform, while driving a sheriff vehicle, near a church, on a parade route lined with families and children. Then Skinner caught Zinke sending a politically charged email from work, which is a campaign violation and is illegal. Skinner files a complaint with the Ethics Commission advising of the violation. A sham hearing was conducted behind closed doors, and the Good Ol’ Boy network exonerated the child minded Zinke. Then Zinke’s attorney could not bask in the sun on the sham hearing that exonerated his client, so he scheduled a hearing to which he was going to try and levy a $5,000 fine against Skinner. The rationalization of a candidate running for sheriff levying a $5,000 fines against citizens does not help approval numbers in a election; so it was not pursued. Just as when you are thinking that things are on the mend between Zinke and Skinner, man-child Zinke tries to take down Skinner’s website and succeeds in doing so for a little while. Just imagine if Zinke was ever sheriff, what transgressions he could act out against citizens that he did not like then. Maybe something for all of us to seriously ponder about going into the sheriff election.
I have put together some of the articles that I have written that are prevalent for the upcoming election in MARCH!. This is the Republican Nominee election but probably more important than the general election. It is most likely the winner in March will win in November and become sheriff. If you review the articles in the Knowledge Center, you will read all kinds of unbelievable things as it relates to this election.
Freedom of Information Act Appeal to get the remainder of my father’s file. In my efforts to get to the bottom of my father’s murder and what the McHenry County Sheriff’s office has done to me and my family 33 years ago. I filed a FOIA Request (Freedom of Information Act Request) to get my father’s case file. Many documents were withheld from my request. It is my believe the documents are withheld to protect guilty individuals that are known to Sheriff Keith Nygren and Undersheriff Andrew Zinke that covered up who actually killed my father during the original investigation. Start on page 11 to read what sounds like a murder mystery thriller, but this is my true life. It is backed by FBI reports, witness statements, and newspaper articles.
Andrew Zinke for McHenry County Sheriff, Really??? This article is based on my own father’s murder investigation and Undersheriff Andrew Zinke. I talked about how he made his own milestones and failed to meet every single one. How it took me calling NBC News Chicago to get Andrew Zinke to return my phone call about my father’s murder investigation, as he was the lead investigator. I am fighting to get the remainder of my father’s case file. It is my believe that Undersheriff Andrew Zinke and the Sheriff Keith Nygren are hiding and protecting individuals that covered up the true killer of my father during the original investigation.
Andrew Zinke plus Rita Corporation equals ON THE TAKE Brian Goode and his RITA Corporation was a person of interest and focal point for the investigation of the distribution of 30 plus tons of marijuana. Undersheriff Andrew Zinke told Brian Goode of the investigation. Two days later, according to Koziol, (Sgt. Koziol was working on the investigation and filed a complaint against Zinke) Goode gave Zinke’s election campaign a $5,000 donation. The RITA Corporation address is the same address as Andrew Zinke’s campaign headquarters.
McHenry County Deputy Zane Seipler under siege, Again!! Zane Seipler is a whistleblowing deputy that was fired by Keith Nygren after he exposed the sheriff’s office for racial profiling. Nygren was forced to hire Seipler back after he lost an arbitration ruling, a court hearing, an appellate court hearing, and a failed attempt to be heard by the Illinois State Supreme Court. After Seipler was hired back, Nygren fired him again. Zane Seipler is currently fighting to get his job back.
Another McHenry County Deputy under siege, Scott Milliman Scott Milliman was a deputy and former right hand man to Sheriff Keith Nygren. He was fired by the sheriff for whistleblowing that the sheriff allegedly transacted in ticket fixing, bribery, general corruption, fraud in a SBA Loan, and in tapping Milliman himself to kill a McHenry County Judge and a Coroner’s Candidate. Scott Milliman is currently fighting to get his job back.
How Gary Gauger got to DEATH ROW This is the real life, tragic story of Gary Gauger. He was falsely arrested and sent to Death Row by the McHenry County Sheriff’s Department for the double murder of his parents. Investigators from the sheriff’s department rigged a false confession so that they could convict him.
McHenry County Ethics Commission, Ethical or NOT!?!? The McHenry County Ethics Commission conducted a hearing of a complaint filed by Cal Skinner that Undersheriff Andrew Zinke used a government computer for a very politically charged email. The hearing was ran over by Zinke’s attorneys Mark Gummerson and Rebecca Lee. The sign up sheet to speak at the hearing went missing but found in the possession of Rebecca Lee. The commission went into secret session, made its decision, and did so without explanation.
First Electric Newspaper v.s. Sheriff Nygren and EEO Officer Donald Leist Pete Gonigam won a Public Access Bureau (Illinois States Attorney) appeal for the release of a 100 page report conducted by the McHenry County Sheriff’s office. The report exonerated Undersheriff Andrew Zinke after he told Brian Goode that he and his RITA Corporation was a the focal point of a drug investigation by the DEA.
Zinke’s middle finger may cost Cal Skinner $5,000 After filing a valid ethics complaint against Undersheriff Andrew Zinke for using a government computer for his campaign, Cal Skinner was to face Zinke’s attorney Mark Gummerson. Gummerson was lobbying for a $5,000 fine against Skinner filing a valid complaint. An act of bulling and intimidation of a McHenry County citizen.
Will McHenry County be Ripped Off by Special Interest in Sheriff Election? I question the interest and the contribution to Undersheriff Andrew Zinke’s campaign from the International Union of Operating Engineers, Local 150 election. I send a letter to the President-Business Manager of the union James M. Sweeney.
IUOE Local 150 and Andrew Zinke. Is this Gangster Money for a Gangster Cop? The International Union of Operating Engineers, Local 150 contributes money to Undersheriff’s Andrew Zinke’s campaign. They have known ties to the Colombo and Gambino Crime Families.
Undersheriff Andrew Zinke Shuts Down Cal Skinner’s Blog Site Undersheriff Andrew Zinke’s campaign was able to get Cal Skinner’s website, mchenrycountyblog.com shut down by falsely accusing him of stalking and linking to obscene material. Read here on how Zinke’s campaign resorts to breaking the law to silence a citizen’s voice.
Andrew Zinke Fearful to Debate Bill Prim Lies to Get Out of It. Undersheriff Andrew Zinke is so fearful to debate Bill Prim for McHenry County Sheriff that he lies to get out of it. Zinke knows that he would be out matched, outwitted, and the truth of his corrupt character would be revealed to the citizens of McHenry County. Instead of enduring such damage to his campaign he lies to coward out of it.