Where We’ve Been, Where are We Going, and MOB CON 2014

Paul Scharff and candidate for McHenry County Sheriff Bill Prim at Walla Pa Looza Cancer benefit in July of 2013.
I am back from a much needed writing break to fill you in with updates on the Republican Primary for McHenry County Sheriff and Mob Con 2014. If you have been following me about my father’s story of his murder back in 1981 it started with Chicago Outfit and moved us to the McHenry County Sheriff election in 2014. Let’s start with a Big Congratulations to the citizens of McHenry County for a job well done.
I am very proud to say that I’m part of the community of McHenry County. We saw a problem and we acted on it because we all pulled together. We all helped Bill Prim beat Undersheriff Andrew Zinke in the Republican Primary for McHenry County Sheriff. It was a very tight race with an official win by Bill Prim by 97 votes. The Undersheriff had asked for a soft recount. A soft recount is when you select a partial recount of precincts by paying $10 per precinct. You are limited to the number of precincts and a full recount can only be ordered by a judge. The soft count changed I believe 4 votes and that was it. Andrew Zinke was voted out of the Republican Primary and will not have an opportunity to become sheriff in this election. We all should be proud and the citizens of McHenry County should be excited about the proposition for change in our county law enforcement.
Our efforts were noted by the Chicago Tribune. At one point in the article reporter Bob McCoppin focused on the impact of bloggers.
Lou Bianchi answered,
“Did bloggers have an effect? Of course they did.
“There’s no question that if (everyone) didn’t do their part, Bill would not have won.â€
Prim’s comment:
“They certainly helped, because we had a difficult time with the mainstream media getting our message out.â€
The bloggers were not mentioned by name but I am sure that I have them figured out and I will mention them here.
Cal Skinner of the MchenryCountyBlog.com, Gus Philpott of the WoodstockAdvocate.com, Pete Gonigam of the FirstElectricNewspaper.com, and Zane Seipler’s website zinke4sheriff.com (he was not a supporter of Zinke, the name got his website higher in the search results when searching “Zinke†that is why he did it). Not only did I want to mention them but I want to thank them for their passion and steadfast devotion to the truth. We should be able to depend on the Northwest Herald for what these men do but you can’t. The Northwest Herald is more about serving its agenda than the duty of being the paper of the people. Another thing that is important to note is that all of us worked independently of each other. Other than Cal Skinner, I did not even know of Gus Philpott, Zane Seipler, or Pete Gonigam. I knew of Cal because he wrote an article about my father’s case in 2008 or 2009. If anything appeared coordinated by us, it was purely coincidence. Our message was consistent because the citizens of McHenry County were being hijacked by corruption.
During the month of March which was the election primary, my website McHenryCounty1981.com had a lot of traffic and pages turned. The numbers for March were 7,582 unique visitors, and 21,408 visits; but the most impressive number was the number of pages that were looked at. The previous record number was 84,314 pages turned in a month that was real close to the high for unique visits and total visits. The number of pages was 120,469 for the month of March. I was blown away and could see the articles that I have written about Undersheriff Andrew Zinke by far were the most read articles on my site. Another uptick was the membership of the Murder In McHenry facebook group which broke 1,000 members in March to its current membership of 1,041 members.
What’s next? We still have the general election for McHenry County Sheriff in November. This is the race that will elect the next sheriff. The former Des Plaines Police Commander Bill Prim will face Woodstock attorney Jim Harrison. Harrison first had to obtain over 6,000 signatures to get in the election and more to beat any voter challenges by Prim. He offended a lot of people getting his signatures. He had volunteers collecting signatures outside of cemeteries on Memorial Day after the public had attended Memorial Day Services. Many had felt this was offensive and disrespectful to fallen veterans and those in attendance of the service. Harrison addressed the issue with a written statement that was not exactly apologetic to those that were offended. You can read the statement here at the mchenrycountyblog.com.
Harrison will have a few challenges running against Prim. Running as an Independent in McHenry County will be huge in this Republican dominated county. He will also have to overcome hurdles working for former McHenry County States Attorney Gary Pack. Gary Pack was the McHenry County States Attorney during the false conviction of Gary Gauger for the double murder of his parents that sent him to Illinois’s Death Row. You can read my article How Gary Gauger got to DEATH ROW here. Don’t take off your packs yet McHenry County; it would be silly to do all of this hard work to blow it in the end. We must take Bill Prim all the way to seat of McHenry County Sheriff.
Do you want to go to Vegas? Let’s go and join me in Las Vegas on September on the 28th and 29th for MOB CON 2014. MOB CON 2013 was the very first MOB CON and the very first event of its kind. It was a huge success with the panelists, the vendors, and all those that attended. This year is expected to be even Bigger and Better with more guests scheduled this year than last year. I am so excited that I am one of the guest speakers this year. Some of the guest speakers this year will be Frank Cullotta, Dennis Arnoldy, and Dennis (Denny) Griffin. All of these men were instrumental is getting Larry Neumann named as the killer of my father Ron Scharff and his employee Patricia Freeman. There will be more guests, prize giveaways, and much, much more so get your tickets and go! Join me and rub elbows with the mobsters who ran Las Vegas and live to tell about it. Click here if you got the guts to go to this Live Two Day Event.
I have put together some of the articles that I have written that are prevalent for the upcoming election in MARCH!. This is the Republican Nominee election but probably more important than the general election. It is most likely the winner in March will win in November and become sheriff. If you review the articles in the Knowledge Center, you will read all kinds of unbelievable things as it relates to this election.
Freedom of Information Act Appeal to get the remainder of my father’s file. In my efforts to get to the bottom of my father’s murder and what the McHenry County Sheriff’s office has done to me and my family 33 years ago. I filed a FOIA Request (Freedom of Information Act Request) to get my father’s case file. Many documents were withheld from my request. It is my believe the documents are withheld to protect guilty individuals that are known to Sheriff Keith Nygren and Undersheriff Andrew Zinke that covered up who actually killed my father during the original investigation. Start on page 11 to read what sounds like a murder mystery thriller, but this is my true life. It is backed by FBI reports, witness statements, and newspaper articles.
Andrew Zinke for McHenry County Sheriff, Really??? This article is based on my own father’s murder investigation and Undersheriff Andrew Zinke. I talked about how he made his own milestones and failed to meet every single one. How it took me calling NBC News Chicago to get Andrew Zinke to return my phone call about my father’s murder investigation, as he was the lead investigator. I am fighting to get the remainder of my father’s case file. It is my believe that Undersheriff Andrew Zinke and the Sheriff Keith Nygren are hiding and protecting individuals that covered up the true killer of my father during the original investigation.
Andrew Zinke plus Rita Corporation equals ON THE TAKE Brian Goode and his RITA Corporation was a person of interest and focal point for the investigation of the distribution of 30 plus tons of marijuana. Undersheriff Andrew Zinke told Brian Goode of the investigation. Two days later, according to Koziol, (Sgt. Koziol was working on the investigation and filed a complaint against Zinke) Goode gave Zinke’s election campaign a $5,000 donation. The RITA Corporation address is the same address as Andrew Zinke’s campaign headquarters.
McHenry County Deputy Zane Seipler under siege, Again!! Zane Seipler is a whistleblowing deputy that was fired by Keith Nygren after he exposed the sheriff’s office for racial profiling. Nygren was forced to hire Seipler back after he lost an arbitration ruling, a court hearing, an appellate court hearing, and a failed attempt to be heard by the Illinois State Supreme Court. After Seipler was hired back, Nygren fired him again. Zane Seipler is currently fighting to get his job back.
Another McHenry County Deputy under siege, Scott Milliman Scott Milliman was a deputy and former right hand man to Sheriff Keith Nygren. He was fired by the sheriff for whistleblowing that the sheriff allegedly transacted in ticket fixing, bribery, general corruption, fraud in a SBA Loan, and in tapping Milliman himself to kill a McHenry County Judge and a Coroner’s Candidate. Scott Milliman is currently fighting to get his job back.
How Gary Gauger got to DEATH ROW This is the real life, tragic story of Gary Gauger. He was falsely arrested and sent to Death Row by the McHenry County Sheriff’s Department for the double murder of his parents. Investigators from the sheriff’s department rigged a false confession so that they could convict him.
McHenry County Ethics Commission, Ethical or NOT!?!? The McHenry County Ethics Commission conducted a hearing of a complaint filed by Cal Skinner that Undersheriff Andrew Zinke used a government computer for a very politically charged email. The hearing was ran over by Zinke’s attorneys Mark Gummerson and Rebecca Lee. The sign up sheet to speak at the hearing went missing but found in the possession of Rebecca Lee. The commission went into secret session, made its decision, and did so without explanation.
First Electric Newspaper v.s. Sheriff Nygren and EEO Officer Donald Leist Pete Gonigam won a Public Access Bureau (Illinois States Attorney) appeal for the release of a 100 page report conducted by the McHenry County Sheriff’s office. The report exonerated Undersheriff Andrew Zinke after he told Brian Goode that he and his RITA Corporation was a the focal point of a drug investigation by the DEA.
Zinke’s middle finger may cost Cal Skinner $5,000 After filing a valid ethics complaint against Undersheriff Andrew Zinke for using a government computer for his campaign, Cal Skinner was to face Zinke’s attorney Mark Gummerson. Gummerson was lobbying for a $5,000 fine against Skinner filing a valid complaint. An act of bulling and intimidation of a McHenry County citizen.
Will McHenry County be Ripped Off by Special Interest in Sheriff Election? I question the interest and the contribution to Undersheriff Andrew Zinke’s campaign from the International Union of Operating Engineers, Local 150 election. I send a letter to the President-Business Manager of the union James M. Sweeney.
IUOE Local 150 and Andrew Zinke. Is this Gangster Money for a Gangster Cop? The International Union of Operating Engineers, Local 150 contributes money to Undersheriff’s Andrew Zinke’s campaign. They have known ties to the Colombo and Gambino Crime Families.
Undersheriff Andrew Zinke Shuts Down Cal Skinner’s Blog Site Undersheriff Andrew Zinke’s campaign was able to get Cal Skinner’s website, mchenrycountyblog.com shut down by falsely accusing him of stalking and linking to obscene material. Read here on how Zinke’s campaign resorts to breaking the law to silence a citizen’s voice.
Andrew Zinke Fearful to Debate Bill Prim Lies to Get Out of It. Undersheriff Andrew Zinke is so fearful to debate Bill Prim for McHenry County Sheriff that he lies to get out of it. Zinke knows that he would be out matched, outwitted, and the truth of his corrupt character would be revealed to the citizens of McHenry County. Instead of enduring such damage to his campaign he lies to coward out of it.
Is Sheriff Nygren and Undersheriff Zinke Intimidating and Tampering with Federal Witnesses? Is Sheriff Nygren and Undersheriff Zinke intimidating federal witnesses? Or are the deputies fighting back? Donald Leist, the sheriff’s in house lawyer sent a letter to 30 deputies and correctional officers to be interrogated prior to their depositions in a federal case. Would that work anywhere else in the US or just McHerny County?