Zinke felt Threatened by a 78 Year Old Woman and His Campaign Manager may be an Internet Troll
Undersheriff Andrew Zinke got himself in trouble again. While being served a subpoena in January of this year, Zinke now has to go in front of a Federal Judge to explain his behavior. He was served a Summons on March 7th and is being sued by the processor server of the subpoena.  If that was not enough, some new information came from McHenry County States Attorney Lou Bianchi about a case that he brought forward. On his own dime, Bianchi is suing an internet troll that was calling themselves “Fukoku Kyohei†for slander. I also have been a target of “Fukoku Kyohei†and so has McHenry County Sheriff candidate Bill Prim. Bianchi traced the IP address of “Fukoku Kyohei†to Oak Star Property Management. The officers of Oak Start Property Management are Robert and Tamara DeModica. Tamara also happens to be Undersheriff Andrew Zinke’s campaign manager.
In the summons it states that on January 13th, 2014 a process server went to Undersheriff Andrew Zinke’s house to serve him a subpoena for a deposition. The process server is a 78 year old woman with a bad hip named Sondra Matterness. The summons states that Zinke was aware of the case and the subpoena but refused to accept the envelope with the subpoena inside of it. Ms. Matterness offered the Undersheriff the option to hand him the subpoena or it to be tossed at his feet. Zinke optioned the latter so Ms. Matterness through the envelope at his feet. Zinke opened up the envelope and became very angry. The court paper’s state “Zinke in an indignant rage raced into the street in his stocking feet and approached Plaintiff’s automobile positioning himself in front of Plaintiff’s Vehicle.†It says that he is in stockings outside in the snow were it is -3 degrees outside. While he is in front of Ms. Matterness’s vehicle he is noting her license plate and did not move for a couple of minutes preventing Ms. Matterness from leaving. It states that he finally leaves and struts back into his home. This all was written in the court papers for this federal case.
We all can see that this behavior is uncalled for by anyone. We are talking about a 78 year old woman with a bad hip, why would anyone think that it is ok to take our bad day out on her. However this behavior is much more unbecoming of a law enforcement officer, especially for the second highest ranking officer in the county. While I was in the US Marines, I conducted myself in the manner that I wanted my Marines to conduct themselves. As their leader they would look to me as an example. From the example set by Andrew Zinke it is ok to freak out at the process server, even if it is a 78 year old lady with a bad hip. I am loathing the behavior of a uniformed person treating an elderly person in such a way.
As bad as Andrew Zinke’s behavior was, that is not why he is being sued in Federal Court. He is being sued in Federal Court because of what he did with the license plate that he noted on Ms. Matterness’s vehicle. Either Zinke himself or Zinke caused that license plate to be run against the LEADS database. LEADS stands for the Law Enforcement Agencies Database System. To run a license plate through LEADS for personal reasons or not in conjunction with a law enforcement cause is a felony. That is what he is being sued for. This is one of those stories that took on a life of its own, so the Northwest Herald had to take notice. The Northwest Herald asked the Undersheriff for his side of the story in an article.
This is what he had to say: Zinke on Monday defended his use of LEADS and tells a different version of events from Hanlon’s. He said he got a knock at his door at night from a “scary-looking lady dressed in all black” who said nothing, waved papers in his face and threw them at his feet. He said he followed her to her car continuing to ask who she is and got her license plate,
“You show up at my house in the dark, at night, in a quasi-threatening way and wave an envelope at me and don’t say anything?” Zinke said. “Yeah, I’m going to see who you are. I do that for a living. I’m in law enforcement, my wife’s in law enforcement, I’ve got two young children at home, yeah, I’m going to find out.”

This is a comment made by internet troll Fukoku Kyohei who is believed to be Tamara DeModica (Andrew Zinke’s campaign manager).
WOW!! Hello “man-child†and good bye self-respect. Are you buying this story? No, me either. In his defense the only other thing that he could say was “I did it.†We all have been too far down the road together to think that Zinke would take accountability for his action. I am the first one to admit the humor in all of this, except what Ms. Matterness endured. A uniformed man stating that he is threatened by a 78 year old woman and describes her as scary-looking lady dressed in black that shows up at my door in quasi-threatening way waving an envelope. Are you serious; you carry a gun!! Paper covers rock but paper does not cover gun. Commenter “rdtrinitycoll1†thought the NWH’s headline should have read SHERIFF’S CANDIDATE FRIGHTENED BY 78 YEAR OLD FEMALE NINJA ARMED WITH SHEETS OF PAPER! This is extremely funny, hilarious even; are you ready, here is the punch line. This man can become sheriff! Not so funny now is it? Make sure that does not happen and VOTE. Early Voting all this week. I will post the locations at the bottom of this article.
Let’s discuss the next Zinke disaster of the past week, “Fukoku Kyohei.†“Fukoku Kyohei†was a pseudo name used by an anonymous internet troll on the mchenrycountyblog.com. They would make references and attack McHenry County States Attorney Lou Bianchi and McHenry County Sheriff’s candidate Bill Prim. The poster was stating that they were corrupt and said that they have given special favors to people. These rants went on for months and even myself and my co-author, Keith Bettinger has even been attacked. Stating that our book was fictitious but never stating what was fictitious about it. Lou Bianchi had enough and brought forward a lawsuit against “Fukoku Kyohei.†In a statement Bianchi said that his attorneys have subpoenaed the records and IP addresses for Fukoku.
Bianchi’s attorneys traced the IP and devices to Oak Star Property Management. Oak Star is owned by Robert DeModica and Tamara DeModica is listed as an administrative contact. Tamara currently serves on the Committee to Elect Andrew Zinke; was paid by his campaign at least $7,450 (total paid to her personally and to her firm TEC Communications Consulting) in 2013 for campaign communications; and is listed multiple times on Zinke’s election website and in Zinke’s press releases as a contact person for the campaign.
If this turns out to be correct, and my guess that it most likely is, what does this say about Zinke and his supporters? On her LinkedIn page, Tamara states that currently she is the president of TEC Communications Consulting. The core competencies listed are Public Relations, Marketing Communications, Copywriter, Graphic Design, and Political Consulting. For the life of me, I cannot understand how a person that suggests that they are a professional PR person deploys a political strategy of being an anonymous internet troll posting in the comment section on a blog. Was this a service pitched to Zinke? Did Tamara receive in part $7,450.00 for this troll campaign, assuming that she is “Fukoku Kyohei� However when you put Andrew Zinke and

This is a comment against me made by anonymous poster Fukoku Kyohei who is believed to be Tamara DeModica (Andrew Zinke’s campaign manager).
Tamara DeModica together they are peas in a pod. They view themselves as entitled and above the fray of you and I. We have to assume that Andrew Zinke supports the behavior of his committeeperson Tamara DeModica. We have not heard from Zinke that he has fired her or disapproves in her troll activities or anything in anyway about the subject.
The only reason that you would conduct yourself or your campaign in such a manner is because you have doubt. You have doubt in your skills to market, you have doubt in your skills as a professional, and you have doubt in your candidate. In a sense you are hearing right from the horse’s mouth on this one. Take it from Andrew Zinke and Tamara DeModica. They doubt Undersheriff Zinke’s abilities to lead and become a good sheriff so you should to. Vote for Bill Prim for McHenry County Sheriff. You can vote RIGHT NOW, TODAY!! Go to your perspective precinct location for early voting, ask for a Republican ballot, and cast your vote for Bill Prim.
Katherine C. Schultz, McHenry County Clerk, announces that voters can cast a ballot prior to the March 18th, 2014 General Primary Election as early as March 3rd without having to offer a reason or an excuse for wanting to vote early.
For more information about early voting or voting locations, contact the McHenry County Clerk’s office at 815-334-4242.
McHenry County Administration Building
667 Ware Rd., 2nd Floor, Conference Room A
Woodstock, IL 60098
Monday, March 3rd thru Saturday, March 15th
Monday thru Friday Hours: 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM
Saturday, March 8th
Hours: 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM
Sunday, March 9th
Hours: 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Wednesday, March 12th
Hours: 8:30 AM to 7:00 PM
Saturday, March 15th
Hours: 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM
Algonquin Township Offices
3702 US Hwy 14, Community Room
(Adjacent to Sheriff’s Substation)
Crystal Lake, IL 60014
Monday, March 3rd thru Saturday, March 15th
Monday thru Friday
Hours: 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM
Saturday, March 8th and March 15th
Hours: 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM
City of Crystal Lake
100 W Municipal Complex, Room P106
Crystal Lake, IL 60014
Monday, March 3rd thru Saturday, March 15th
Monday thru Friday
Hours: 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM
Saturday, March 8th
Hours: 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM
Sunday, March 9th
Hours 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Saturday, March 15th
Hours: 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM
Huntley Area Huntley Park District
12015 Mill St.
Huntley, IL 60142
Monday, March 3rd thru Saturday, March 15th
Monday thru Friday
Hours: 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM
Saturday, March 8th and March 15th
Hours: 8:30 AM to 1:00 PM
Village of Lake in the Hills
Lake in the Hills Village Hall
600 Harvest Gate, Executive Conference Room
(Enter thru Board Room)
Lake in the Hills, IL 60156
Monday, March 3rd thru Saturday, March 15th
Monday thru Friday
Hours: 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM
Saturday, March 8th
Hours: 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM
Sunday, March 9th
Hours: 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Saturday, March 15th
Hours: 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM
City of McHenry
McHenry City Hall
333 S Green St, Court Entrance Only
McHenry, IL 60050
Monday, March 3rd thru Saturday, March 15th
Monday thru Friday
Hours: 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM
Saturday, March 8th
Hours: 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM
Sunday, March 9th
Hours: 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Saturday, March 15th
Hours: 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM
McHenry Township Offices
3703 N. Richmond Rd.
Johnsburg, IL 60051
Monday, March 3rd thru Saturday, March 15th
Monday thru Friday
Hours: 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM
Nunda Township Offices
3510 Bay Rd, Annex
Crystal Lake, IL 60012
Monday, March 3rd thru Saturday, March 15th
Monday thru Friday
Hours: 9:00 AM to 3:30 PM
Saturday, March 15th
Hours: 9:00 AM to 3:30 PM
Harvard Area
Dunham Township Office
107 Airport Rd
Harvard, IL 60033
Monday, March 3rd thru Saturday, March 15th
Monday thru Friday
Hours: 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Saturday, March 8th and March 15th
Hours: 8:30 AM to Noon
Marengo Area
Marengo City Hall
132 E Prairie St, Upper Chambers
Marengo, IL 60152
Monday, March 3rd thru Saturday, March 15th
Monday thru Friday
Hours: 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Saturday, March 8th and March 15th
Hours: 9:00 AM to Noon
I have put together some of the articles that I have written that are prevalent for the upcoming election in MARCH!. This is the Republican Nominee election but probably more important than the general election. It is most likely the winner in March will win in November and become sheriff. If you review the articles in the Knowledge Center, you will read all kinds of unbelievable things as it relates to this election.
Freedom of Information Act Appeal to get the remainder of my father’s file. In my efforts to get to the bottom of my father’s murder and what the McHenry County Sheriff’s office has done to me and my family 33 years ago. I filed a FOIA Request (Freedom of Information Act Request) to get my father’s case file. Many documents were withheld from my request. It is my believe the documents are withheld to protect guilty individuals that are known to Sheriff Keith Nygren and Undersheriff Andrew Zinke that covered up who actually killed my father during the original investigation. Start on page 11 to read what sounds like a murder mystery thriller, but this is my true life. It is backed by FBI reports, witness statements, and newspaper articles.
Andrew Zinke for McHenry County Sheriff, Really??? This article is based on my own father’s murder investigation and Undersheriff Andrew Zinke. I talked about how he made his own milestones and failed to meet every single one. How it took me calling NBC News Chicago to get Andrew Zinke to return my phone call about my father’s murder investigation, as he was the lead investigator. I am fighting to get the remainder of my father’s case file. It is my believe that Undersheriff Andrew Zinke and the Sheriff Keith Nygren are hiding and protecting individuals that covered up the true killer of my father during the original investigation.
Andrew Zinke plus Rita Corporation equals ON THE TAKE Brian Goode and his RITA Corporation was a person of interest and focal point for the investigation of the distribution of 30 plus tons of marijuana. Undersheriff Andrew Zinke told Brian Goode of the investigation. Two days later, according to Koziol, (Sgt. Koziol was working on the investigation and filed a complaint against Zinke) Goode gave Zinke’s election campaign a $5,000 donation. The RITA Corporation address is the same address as Andrew Zinke’s campaign headquarters.
McHenry County Deputy Zane Seipler under siege, Again!! Zane Seipler is a whistleblowing deputy that was fired by Keith Nygren after he exposed the sheriff’s office for racial profiling. Nygren was forced to hire Seipler back after he lost an arbitration ruling, a court hearing, an appellate court hearing, and a failed attempt to be heard by the Illinois State Supreme Court. After Seipler was hired back, Nygren fired him again. Zane Seipler is currently fighting to get his job back.
Another McHenry County Deputy under siege, Scott Milliman Scott Milliman was a deputy and former right hand man to Sheriff Keith Nygren. He was fired by the sheriff for whistleblowing that the sheriff allegedly transacted in ticket fixing, bribery, general corruption, fraud in a SBA Loan, and in tapping Milliman himself to kill a McHenry County Judge and a Coroner’s Candidate. Scott Milliman is currently fighting to get his job back.
How Gary Gauger got to DEATH ROW This is the real life, tragic story of Gary Gauger. He was falsely arrested and sent to Death Row by the McHenry County Sheriff’s Department for the double murder of his parents. Investigators from the sheriff’s department rigged a false confession so that they could convict him.
McHenry County Ethics Commission, Ethical or NOT!?!? The McHenry County Ethics Commission conducted a hearing of a complaint filed by Cal Skinner that Undersheriff Andrew Zinke used a government computer for a very politically charged email. The hearing was ran over by Zinke’s attorneys Mark Gummerson and Rebecca Lee. The sign up sheet to speak at the hearing went missing but found in the possession of Rebecca Lee. The commission went into secret session, made its decision, and did so without explanation.
First Electric Newspaper v.s. Sheriff Nygren and EEO Officer Donald Leist Pete Gonigam won a Public Access Bureau (Illinois States Attorney) appeal for the release of a 100 page report conducted by the McHenry County Sheriff’s office. The report exonerated Undersheriff Andrew Zinke after he told Brian Goode that he and his RITA Corporation was a the focal point of a drug investigation by the DEA.
Zinke’s middle finger may cost Cal Skinner $5,000 After filing a valid ethics complaint against Undersheriff Andrew Zinke for using a government computer for his campaign, Cal Skinner was to face Zinke’s attorney Mark Gummerson. Gummerson was lobbying for a $5,000 fine against Skinner filing a valid complaint. An act of bulling and intimidation of a McHenry County citizen.
Will McHenry County be Ripped Off by Special Interest in Sheriff Election? I question the interest and the contribution to Undersheriff Andrew Zinke’s campaign from the International Union of Operating Engineers, Local 150 election. I send a letter to the President-Business Manager of the union James M. Sweeney.
IUOE Local 150 and Andrew Zinke. Is this Gangster Money for a Gangster Cop? The International Union of Operating Engineers, Local 150 contributes money to Undersheriff’s Andrew Zinke’s campaign. They have known ties to the Colombo and Gambino Crime Families.
Undersheriff Andrew Zinke Shuts Down Cal Skinner’s Blog Site Undersheriff Andrew Zinke’s campaign was able to get Cal Skinner’s website, mchenrycountyblog.com shut down by falsely accusing him of stalking and linking to obscene material. Read here on how Zinke’s campaign resorts to breaking the law to silence a citizen’s voice.
Andrew Zinke Fearful to Debate Bill Prim Lies to Get Out of It. Undersheriff Andrew Zinke is so fearful to debate Bill Prim for McHenry County Sheriff that he lies to get out of it. Zinke knows that he would be out matched, outwitted, and the truth of his corrupt character would be revealed to the citizens of McHenry County. Instead of enduring such damage to his campaign he lies to coward out of it.
Is Sheriff Nygren and Undersheriff Zinke Intimidating and Tampering with Federal Witnesses? Is Sheriff Nygren and Undersheriff Zinke intimidating federal witnesses? Or are the deputies fighting back? Donald Leist, the sheriff’s in house lawyer sent a letter to 30 deputies and correctional officers to be interrogated prior to their depositions in a federal case. Would that work anywhere else in the US or just McHerny County?